Regional Training Workshop on ‘Transition to Register-based approaches for Population and Housing Censuses’
Date : 12-15 June 2023 Venue : SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara Türkiye

Within the framework of the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme, SESRIC hosted the Regional Training Workshop on “Transition to Register-Based approaches for Population and Housing Censuses” in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), and Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) at SESRIC Headquarters on 12-15 June 2023 in Ankara, Republic of Türkiye. 27 census experts from the National Statistical Offices of 8 OIC member countries participated in the Workshop.

The Workshop aimed to strengthen participants’ capacity on how to better use registers to support the census. The Training Workshop covered the following topics:

  • Overview of the importance of population and housing censuses and the evolution of census approaches over time
  • What are register-based approaches for population and housing censuses: rationale, principles and main considerations?
  • Facilitating a move to register-based censuses: the necessary pre-conditions, challenges, pitfalls and opportunities
  • A generic model for the transition from a traditional census to a register-based approaches
  • Data integration and transforming administrative data to census data
  • Quality assessment and stages including a) source quality, b) input data quality, c) process quality, and d) output quality
  • Overview of the self-assessment questionnaire on the readiness to use administrative data for census purposes
  • Sharing the experience of participant countries: challenges and potential solutions
  • Study tour to TurkStat and Overview of Türkiye’s transition story

All documents related to the workshop can be accessed from here