Seminar on Population and Housing Census Practices of OIC Member Countries | ||||||||||
Date : | 06-08 March 2013 | Venue : | Ankara Türkiye | |||||||
In accordance with the Resolutions of the Second Session of the OIC-StatCom, the members of the OIC-StatCom called for an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) to define the structure of a comprehensive profile that will include all the relevant phases of censuses and to compile the different country experiences and practices from OIC Member Countries. In this regard, SESRIC, being Secretariat of the OIC-StatCom, organized the "Seminar on Population and Housing Census Pratices of OIC Member Countries" together with Islamic Development Bank (IDB) on 6-8 March 2013 at its headquarters in Ankara, Turkey. The meeting was attended by delegates from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of 17 member countries, namely Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Maldives, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen and the representatives of the IDB, United Nation Statistics Division (UNSD) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA). Based on a survey conducted by UNSD on country practices, Ms. Margaret MBogoni, Statistician at UNSD, presented a comprehensive overview in Session I about the experiences of OIC Member Countries during the implementation of the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses. She compared the results of OIC Member Countries with the global findings in terms of census methodology, enumeration methods, use of technology, methods of data dissemination, successes and challenges experienced. After the informative presentation of Ms. Mbogoni, Mr. Atilla Karaman and Ms. Münevver Nilgün Egemen, Senior Researchers at SESRIC, provided a general assessment about the demographic facts of the OIC Member Countries. Under Session II, the delegates of Afghanistan, Bahrain, Pakistan, Palestine, Sudan, Turkey, Uganda and Yemen presented their country practices on population and housing censuses, respectively. In Session III, the participants from Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Niger, Qatar and Senegal took the floor to describe the innovative approaches they have used in different phases of censuses. During the last Session, which was moderated by Ms. Mbogoni, the participants discussed the future of population and housing censuses in the OIC Member Countries and challenges ahead following the guideline questions. Additionally, the participants dwelled on the possible cooperation areas among OIC Member Countries in order to strengthen the national capacities in implementing more successful censuses. Documents
Presentations Session I
Session II
Session III
Session IV Photos