The Regional Workshop on Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Accounts was organised by SESRIC in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) on 2-4 December 2014 at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey within framework of the 2013-SESRIC-0111 Project which is among the successful final projects selected for the Project Cycle Management (PCM) Programme Funding of the OIC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC).
The Workshop was attended by 50 delegates of the National Statistical Offices (NSOs), Ministries of Tourism, Central Banks, and Private Sector Associations from 27 OIC Member Countries including Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, Suriname, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The COMCEC representative also participated in the Workshop.
The main purposes of the Workshop were to:
build statistical capacity in compilation, production and dissemination of tourism statistics,
contribute to capacity building programs for National Statistical System (NSS), particularly concerning the elaboration of statistics on tourism, and
share common goals to enhance the National Statistical Systems (NSSs) to the degree that member countries can start to build some of the ten recommended tables for Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSAs) as soon as enough inter-institutional collaboration framework became functional.
The Workshop commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran and corporate video of SESRIC, and then followed by welcome addresses by Prof. Savaş Alpay, Director General of SESRIC, and Mr. Oliver Herrmann, Director of Statistics and Tourism Satellite Programme at the UNWTO.
In his Welcome Address, Prof. Alpay expressed his thanks to the delegates for accepting SESRIC’s invitation and designating their time to attend the workshop. By highlighting the statistical findings at both the global and OIC level, he elaborated on the current situation of the various aspects of tourism in the OIC Member Countries. He further shared his belief that the workshop would provide an invaluable platform to discuss further ways of improving the existing programmes of tourism statistics of the Member Countries, besides identifying new potential areas for further collaboration. For his part, Mr. Herrmann stressed the importance of Domestic Tourism and the increasing need for international collaboration for leveraging the statistical infrastructure of the developing countries. He reiterated that the UNWTO is ready to support the countries in their efforts to improve their tourism statistics capacities.
Each session was allocated approximately two hours, which mainly included three parts:
UNWTO presentations on each topic as an overview,
country presentations, and
open discussions, mainly questions of participants and answers by presenting parties and UNWTO representatives.
The Workshop sessions covered:
System of Tourism Statistics (STS)
Inbound & Outbound Tourism Statistics
Tourism Expenditure Statistics
Domestic Tourism Statistics
Tourism Industries Statistics
Employment in the Tourism Industries
Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA)
During the general discussions and deliberations, the participants articulated the need for the development of a comprehensive training program on methodological aspects related to tourism statistics and TSA methodology, especially for introductory and intermediate level of tourism statisticians.
In the closing session, the Certificates of Participation have been awarded to the Workshop participants.
Opening Remarks of Prof. Savas Alpay, Director General, SESRIC (English)
Training Materials and Video
Video Recording of the Training on Tourism Statistics and Satellite Accounts Conducted by UNWTO
PowerPoint Presentation on Tourism Statistics and Satellite Accounts Accompanying the Above Training Video (English)
International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 Compilation Guide (English)
Session 1: System of Tourism Statistics (STS)
National Systems of Tourism Statistics in OIC Member Countries
Albania: National System of Tourism Statistics (English)
Benin: The National System for the Production of Tourism Statistics in Benin (French)
Chad: National Systems of Tourism Statistics (English)
Kazakhstan: National Systems of Tourism Statistics (Russian)
Kyrgyzstan: Tourism Statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic (English) (Russian)
Palestine: National Tourism Statistics (English)
Session 2: Inbound Tourism Statistics
Measuring Inbound Tourism Statistics – Type of Tools and Procedures Applied
Maldives: Tourism Statistics In The Maldives (English)
Nigeria: Measuring Inbound Tourism Statistics in Nigeria, Types of Tools and Procedures Applied (English)
Senegal: Tools and Procedures Used by Senegal to Measure Inbound Tourism (French)
Sudan: Measuring Inbound Tourism Statistics in Sudan, Type of Tools and Procedures Applied (English)
Turkey: Inbound Tourism Statistics in Turkey (English)
Accommodation and Establishment Statistics
Benin: Tourism Statistics for Accommodation and Lodging Facilities (French)
Oman: Tourism Statistics Survey and Results (Arabic)
Turkey: Accommodation Statistics (English)
Session 3: Outbound Tourism Statistics
Measuring Outbound Tourism Statistics – Type of Tools and Procedures Applied
Egypt: Presentation on Tourism Statistics and Surveys (Arabic)
Iraq: National System of Tourism Statistics in Iraq (Arabic)
Turkey: Outbound Tourism Statistics in Turkey - Arriving Citizens Survey (English)
Session 4: Tourism Expenditure Statistics
Experiences on Application of Inbound and Outbound Tourism Expenditure Surveys
Malaysia: Departing Visitors Survey (English)
Suriname: Process of data collection in Suriname (English)
Suriname: Estimating Travel Account in the BOP of Suriname (English)
Turkey: Tourism Income and Expense in Turkey (English)
Session 5: Domestic Tourism Statistics
Measuring Domestic Tourism Statistics – Type of Tools and Procedures Applied
Indonesia: Domestics Tourism Statistics, Household Approach (English)
Malaysia: Domestic Tourism Statistics (DTS) in Malaysia (English)
Turkey: Domestic Tourism Statistics in Turkey (English)
Session 6: Tourism Industries Statistics
Tourism Industries Statistics in OIC Member Countries
Chad: Tourism Industries Statistics in Chad (English)
Session 7: Employment in the Tourism Industries
Current Country Practices in Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industries
Azerbaijan: Tourism Statistics in Azerbaijan (English)
Yemen: Reality of Tourism Statistics in Yemen (Arabic)
Session 8: Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA)
Current Country Practices in TSA
Benin: The State of the Statistics System and Implementation Mechanism for the Tourism Satellite Accounts in Benin (French)
Turkey: Tourism Satellite Accounts in Turkey (English)
2013-SESRIC-0111 Project “Improving Statistical Capacities of Tourism Sector in Mediterranean and Gulf Regions” is funded by the COMCEC.