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SESRIC Statistical Experience Sharing Webinar Series

The 9th Session of OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom), held virtually on 28 September – 01 October 2020, underlined the importance of learning from the experiences and best practices of the OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom) members and accordingly requested SESRIC, in its capacity as the Secretariat of OIC-StatCom, to continue its support to the efforts of OIC-StatCom members by facilitating exchange of knowledge towards the production of high-quality data.

Accordingly, SESRIC has recently initiated the Statistical Experience Sharing Webinar Series through which National Statistics Offices of OIC countries and statistical units of the relevant international agencies will find the opportunity to inform the participants about their experiences on statistical themes of mutual interest.

In this connection, the below lists present the upcoming and conducted SESRIC Statistical Experience Sharing Webinars. Please refer to the below links of the webinars for more information.

Upcoming Webinars
Date Theme
31 July 2024 Webinar on ‘Modernization of NSOs through Digitalization’
03 October 2024 Webinar on ’Data Visualization Techniques for Communicating Sustainability Insights’

Conducted Webinars
Date Theme
03 October 2024 Webinar on ’Data Visualization Techniques for Communicating Sustainability Insights’
30 April 2024 Webinar on ‘Monitoring Health for SDGs in the Post-COVID-19 Era’
28 March 2024 Webinar on ‘Renewable Energy Statistics’
23 August 2023 Webinar on ‘Towards a Methodology for Production and Dissemination of Islamic Tourism Indicators’
14 March 2023 Webinar on ‘Reporting Data on Islamic Financial Services Sector’
14 February 2023 Webinar on ‘Transforming Administrative Registers for Statistical Data Production’
08 November 2022 Webinar on ‘Implementation of National Quality Assurance Framework for Official Statistics’
07 September 2022 Webinar on ‘2020 Round of Population & Housing Censuses: Census Editing & Validation’
16 June 2022 Webinar on ‘Experiences of OIC Countries in Producing Disaster Related Statistics’
28 March 2022 Webinar on ‘Use of Business Registers for Business Demography and Entrepreneurship Statistics’
09 November 2021 Webinar on ‘Energy Statistics for the SDG 7 Indicators’
06 July 2021 Webinar on ‘Remote Data Collection Methods to Overcome the Challenges Faced by the NSOs During the COVID-19 Pandemic’
28 June 2021 Webinar on ‘Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Statistics in OIC Countries’
10 June 2021 Webinar on ‘Big Data Applications and Utilising Non-Traditional Data Sources and Methods for Official Statistics’
03 June 2021 Webinar on ‘Motor Vehicles, Traffic Volume and Road Traffic Accidents Statistics’
31 May 2021 Webinar on ‘Measurement Methods for SDG 11 and the New Urban Agenda in the OIC Countries’
13 April 2021 Webinar on ‘International Trade-in-Services Statistics’
06 April 2021 Webinar on ‘International Trade in Goods Statistics’
18 March 2021 Webinar on ‘SDG 9 Indicators’
17 March 2021 Webinar on ‘SDG 6 Indicators’
24 February 2021 Webinar on ‘Tourism Statistics’
22 February 2021 Webinar on ‘Population Statistics and Censuses’
21 January 2021 Webinar on ‘Innovation Statistics’
07 January 2021 Webinar on ‘Research and Experimental Development Statistics’
17 December 2020 Webinar on ‘Survey on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage in Enterprises’
10 December 2020 Webinar on ‘Survey on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage in Households and Individuals’
09 December 2020 Webinar on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) and TQS-Youth’
24 November 2020 Webinar on ‘Enhancing Food Security in OIC Countries: An Overview of the Food Balance Sheets’
12 November 2020 Webinar on 'Collection & Dissemination of SDGs Indicators: Experience of Uzbekistan'

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