Within the framework of the Programme of Action for 2021-2025 set under the OIC-StatCom Strategic Vision for 2030 and its Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC organised a Webinar on ‘Transforming Administrative Registers for Statistical Data Production’ on 14 February 2023, in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) with the participation of 103 official statisticians from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of 24 OIC member countries.
The Webinar provided a platform to exchange knowledge on how to develop and deploy the required technology and the mechanisms to transform the administrative registers for statistical data production in national statistical systems of OIC member countries including discussions about the relevant initiatives, challenges faced and lessons learnt by all stakeholders.
The Webinar covered the following topics:
Advantages of using administrative sources
Frameworks for access to administrative sources
Collaborative on the Use of Administrative Data for Statistics
Assessment of the quality of administrative sources for use in population and housing censuses
Good practices from the OIC member countries
All documents and presentations of the Webinar are available at this link.