Within the framework of its Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC organised a webinar on ‘SDG 9 Indicators’ on 18 March 2021 with the participation of 43 attendees from 18 OIC member countries, namely Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Egypt, Guyana, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mozambique, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Suriname and Turkey.
After the welcoming remarks of Dr. Atilla KARAMAN, Director of Statistics and Information Department of SESRIC, the webinar started with the presentation of Ms. Elif MERDER, Expert at the Sustainable Development Indicators Group, Economic and Social Indicators Department, presented the experience of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) by covering the following topics related to SDG 9 Indicators:
Introduction to SDG 9
Overview of SDG 9 Indicators
SDG 9 Indicators of Turkey
Road Map for Unavailable SDG 9 Indicators
Following the presentation of TurkStat, representatives of National Statistical Offices of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan shared the experiences and practices of their institutions in SDG 9 indicators with the participants.
The webinar was conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches designed in line with the virtual training solutions undertaken by SESRIC in order to better serve the Centre’s training activities and keep participants motivated and engaged during this time of global crisis due to COVID-19.
For more information on the SESRIC Statistical Experience Sharing Webinar Series, please visit: https://www.oicstatcom.org/webinar-series.php
Concept Note (English)
Turkey: TurkStat Experience on SDG 9 (English)
Indonesia: Identifying the Proportion of Population Covered by a Mobile Network (SDG 9.c.1) (English)
Malaysia: Experience Sharing on SDG Goal 9; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (English)
Pakistan: Sustainable Development Goal 9 (English)