In accordance with its 2015 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the training course on 'Government Finance Statistics' at the Department of Statistics of Malaysia in Putrajaya, Malaysia on 6-8 April 2015. The course was conducted by Ms. Mila Hertinmalyana, Statistician at the BPS-Statistics Indonesia, with the participation of relevant officials of the Department of Statistics of Malaysia.
As defined in the Classification of Statistical Activities (CSA Rev. 1 - October 2009), Government Finance Statistics includes all statistics related to the government sector, including debt and deficit, revenue and expenditure, accounts of the government sector, central government, tax rates and revenues, tax and benefit systems, financing of state pension and other state social security schemes, public sector employment. The subject area “Government Finance Statistics” is currently classified under the domain “Economic statistics”.
The training course on Government Finance Statistics focused on the following topics:
Government Finance Statistics (theoretical)
Manual GFS
Basic Understanding of GFS
Implementation in Indonesia
Plan and development
Government Finance Statistics in Indonesia (current situation)
Structure of Government:
Central Government
Village government
Method and processing data
System of Government finance statistics in beneficiary country
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