In accordance with its 2017 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Household Surveys’ at the General Bureau of Statistics (GBS) of Republic of Suriname on 23 – 25 October 2017.
The Training Course was conducted by Mr. James MUWONGE, Director of Socioeconomic Surveys at the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), with the participation of 15 officials of the GBS.
As defined in the Classification of Statistical Activities (CSA Rev. 1 - October 2009; http://goo.gl/olg3Tz); Household surveys includes methodology and organization of household sample surveys including sample designs; international surveys with direct data collection from households such as Living Standard Measurement Survey or World Health Survey.
The Training Course on ‘Household Surveys’ included discussion activities with a focus on the following topics:
Introduction and General Discussion of Surveys (qualitative and quantitative)
Purpose, Scope and Objective of Household Surveys with Specific Reference to the Labour Force Survey)
Survey Organization (from planning to dissemination and archiving) )
General Questionnaire Design (PAPI vs. CAPI) )
Data Transmission, Data Security/Anonymizations/Inscription and Data Storage)
Introduction to Quality Assurance in Household Surveys)
Introduction to Survey Methodology and Sample Frames)
Sample Size Determination )
Sampling Weights and Sampling Errors in Surveys)
Data Cleaning and Editing (consistency checks, and anticipating all possible sources of inconsistencies during data collection) )
Coverage and Content Errors in Household Surveys )
Introduction to Some Basic Concepts of Data Analysis (preferably using STATA) )
Data Analysis (derivation of variables and tabulation plan) )
Introduction to Regression Analysis)
Data Management )
Data Documentation and Archiving)
Sign up for an account at OIC-StatCom Forum (http://forum.sesric.org/) to join the group discussion on the Training Course on ‘ Household Surveys’ in Republic of Suriname available at: http://forum.sesric.org/?p=30253