Training Course on ‘Price Statistics’ in Brunei Darussalam
Date :
18-20 July 2017
Venue :
Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei
In accordance with its 2017 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Price Statistics’ at the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE) of Brunei Darussalam on 18-20 July 2017.
The Training Course was conducted by Mr. Md. Shahabuddin SARKER, Deputy Director of National Accounting Wing, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), with the participation of 32 officials of the JPKE.
As defined in the Classification of Statistical Activities (CSA Rev. 1 - October 2009;; Prices – covers any statistical activity dealing with prices, including Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) and international comparisons of GDP, covers topics like Consumer Price Indices (CPI), inflation, Producer Price Indices (PPI), price indexes for specific products and services (e.g. Information and Communication Technology products).
The Training Course on ‘Price Statistics’ included discussion activities with a focus on the following topics:
Introduction to Price Statistics of BBS,
Different Types of Prices, Price Indices, Methods, Advantages & Disadvantages,
CPI, ICP, PPP and International Comparison of GDP,
Selection of Items, National /COICOP Classification, Outlets and Frequency,
Data Source, Derivation of Weight,
Concept, Definition, Methodology and Calculation of Trade Indices (UVI, UPI, Hybrid UPI & ToT),
Impact and Adjustment of Volatile Data,
Chaining and Linking, Price Observations and Seasonal Adjustment/Imputing of Missing Prices,
Construction/Building Material Price Index,
Producers Price Index, and
Review of Trade, Building and Producers Price indices