Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised a Training Course on “SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) Indicators” for the benefit of 28 experts from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of 9 Arabic speaking OIC countries on 22-23 January 2024 through an online video conferencing platform.
Mr. Sudki HAMDAN, Head of the Environmental Statistics Division at the Department of Statistics (DoS) of Jordan, conducted the course and covered the following topics:
Introduction to energy statistics and sustainable development
SDG indicator metadata
Definition, concepts, and classifications
Data sources type and data collection method
How to calculate an indicator
Methods and guidance available to countries for the compilation of the data at the national level
Gap data analysis related to the SDG 7
The presentations of the training course are available at this link.
For more information on the SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit: http://www.oicstatcom.org/statcab.php