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Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’
Date : 20-21 May 2024 Venue : Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye

Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC, in collaboration with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), organised a Training Course on “Labour Statistics” on 20-21 May 2024.

Mr. Tuna Kemali, Head of Labour Force Statistics Department at the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) of Türkiye, delivered the training course for the benefit of 42 participants from the NSOs and other governmental organizations of 17 OIC countries.

The following topics were covered during the training course:

  • Household Labour Force Survey
  • Field application of sampling design and selection of households
  • Data analysis and quality control processes of labour statistics
  • Dissemination tools and publication periods
  • Seasonal adjustment procedures
  • AD-hoc modules: Occupational accidents and work-related health problems; work organisation and working time arrangements

For more information on SESRIC StatCaB Programme, please visit: http://www.oicstatcom.org/statcab.php

The presentations of the training course are available at this link.



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