The Centre organised a training course on “National Accounts: Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables” at the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of the Arab Republic of Egypt, on May 25-27, 2010. The course was provided by Mr. Mehmet Kula, expert from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) and was attended by 26 staff members of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) and the Ministry of Planning of Egypt.
The training course on “National Accounts: Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables” mainly covered the following subjects:
General Overview of National Accounts
National Accounts in Turkey
Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables in the System of National Accounts
Valuation Matrices
Balancing of Supply and Use Tables and Transformation to Input-Output Tables
Data Sources and Questionnaires
Non-Observed Economy
Cif/Fob Adjustments
Calculation and Allocation Methods of FISIM
Price and Volume Measures in Supply and Use Framework
The aim of this training course was to improve the statistical capacity building and performance of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of the Arab Republic of Egypt on “National Accounts: Supply-Use and Input-Output Tables”.
For more information regarding the StatCaB Programme, please visit the Capacity Building Programme page.