The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a training course on “Demography and Population” at the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Niger in Niamey on 15-17 October 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Achref Mrabet, an expert from the Statistics Tunisia, and was attended by relevant INS staff members.
The training course on “Demography and Population” provided an overview of the data sources (censuses, civil registries, and surveys), key indicators and demographic concepts. The objective of the training course was to inform attendees about:
Demographic census data sources
Indicators of marriage, fertility, mortality, and migration
Estimation methods
Projection methods for fertility, mortality and migration.
The agenda of the training course included:
Day 1: Introduction to Demography and Population
Session 1
Presentations, opening remarks, review discussion on the training objectives and expectations
Introduction to Demography
Session 2
Status of the population
Population structure (Sex ratio, population pyramids)
Day 2: Fertility and Mortality
Session 1
Determinants of fertility
Intensity and timing
Session 2
Mortality: Measures and limits
Mortality tables
Indirect estimates
Day 3: Population Projections
Session 1
Component approach
Fertility projection
Session 2
Mortality projection
Migration projection