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19-20 December 2012 |
Venue : |
Doha Qatar |
The Centre organised training course on “Income and Consumption” at the Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA), on 19-20 December 2012. The course was provided by Ms. Fidaa Abtli, an expert from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) and was attended by relevant staff members of the Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA).
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04-05 December 2012 |
Venue : |
Ankara Türkiye |
The Fifth ECO High Level Expert Group Meeting was held on 4-5 December 2012 in Ankara, Turkey, hosted by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat). The meeting was attended by the delegates from National Statistical Offices (NSO) from 6 ECO Countries including Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkey and the representatives of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA). The Centre was represented there by Ms. Münevver Nilgün Egemen, Senior Researcher and Mr. Syed Tahir Mahmud, Researcher.
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26-28 November 2012 |
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Male Maldives |
The Centre organised training course on “Quarterly National Accounts” at the Department of National Planning, Maldives, on 26-28 November 2012. The course was provided by Ms. Siti Asiah Ahmad an expert from the Department of Statistics, Malaysia and was attended by relevant staff members of the Department of National Planning, Maldives.
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20 November 2012 |
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Ankara Türkiye |
Under the framework of a German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) project on “Support to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)’ Study Visits to Strengthen the Process of Establishing a Training Centre for PBS”, a delegation of 7 participants from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan paid a study visit to SESRIC. The delegation was headed by Mr. Munir Ahmad Aslam, Director General of PBS, and accompanied by Dr. Michael Wild, Advisor to GIZ in Pakistan, and Mr. Marcus Delacor, Managing Director of euphorum GmbH, implementing agency of the study visit. As the Government of Pakistan decided to establish a statistical training centre to satisfy the demand for capacities in the field of statistics, the focus of the study visit was to gain a better understanding on the statistical training activities of SESRIC implemented under the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) initiative and impact of StatCaB trainings at large.
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19-20 November 2012 |
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Male Maldives |
The Centre organized a training course on “Short-term Business Statistics” at the Department of National Planning, Maldives, on 19-20 November 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Abd. Latib Talib, an expert from the Department of Statistics (DOS) Malaysia, and was attended by the related staff members of the Department of National Planning, Maldives.
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18-21 November 2012 |
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Kabul Afghanistan |
The Centre organised training course on “Price Statistics and Indices” at the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) Afghanistan, on 18-21 November 2012. The course was provided by Ms. Sa'adiah Ahmad, an expert from the Department of Statistics, Malaysia and was attended by the relevant staff members of the Central Statistics Organization Afghanistan.
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18-22 November 2012 |
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Amman Jordan |
The Workshop on “Conducting and Analysing Labour Force Surveys for Monitoring of the Labour Market for the Arab Countries” was held on 18-22 November 2012 in Amman, Jordan. The workshop was co-organised with the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and Department of Statistics (DOS) Jordan.
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12-14 November 2012 |
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Khartoum Sudan |
The Centre organised training course on “Business Registers” at the Central Bureau of Statistics, (CBS) Sudan, on 12-14 November 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Hassen Aurouri, an expert from the Institut National de la Statistique, Tunisie, and was attended by 35 staff members of CBS, Sudan.
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10-13 November 2012 |
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Muscat Oman |
The Centre organised training course on “Price Statistics and Indices” at the Ministry of National Economy Oman, on 12-14 November 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Cem Baş, an expert from the Turkish Statistical Institute and was attended by 20 staff members of Ministry of National Economy Oman.
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05-07 November 2012 |
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Islamabad Pakistan |
The Centre organised training course on "Short-term Business Statistics" at the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), on 5-7 November 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Abd. Latib Talib, an expert from the Department of Statistics (DOS) Malaysia, and was attended by the related staff members of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).
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22-24 October 2012 |
Venue : |
Kabul Afghanistan |
The Centre organised training course on “Labour Force Statistics” at the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) Afghanistan, on 22-24 October 2012. The course was provided by Ms. Saidah Hashim, an expert from the Department of Statistics (DOS) Malaysia, and was attended by the related staff members of the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) Afghanistan.
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17-19 October 2012 |
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Putrajaya Malaysia |
The Centre organised training course on “Supply - Use and Input-Output Tables” at the Department of Statistics (DOS) Malaysia, on 17-19 October 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Mehmet Kula, an expert from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), and was attended by 37 staff members of the Department of Statistics (DOS) and other agencies.
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15-17 October 2012 |
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Niamey Niger |
The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a training course on “Demography and Population” at the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Niger in Niamey on 15-17 October 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Achref Mrabet, an expert from the Statistics Tunisia, and was attended by relevant INS staff members.
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12 October 2012 |
Venue : |
Ankara Türkiye |
The Task Force Meeting on Implementation of Accreditation Program for Statistical Professionals in OIC Member States (OSTAT) Programme was held on 12 October 2012 at the SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey. The meeting was hosted by SESRIC and attended by Dr. Nabeel Mohammed Shams, Director General of the Statistics Department at the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) of the Kingdom of Bahrain; Mr. Abu Camara, Statistician at the Data Resources and Statistics Department of the Islamic Development Bank; Mr. Hüseyin Hakan Eryetli, Director of Training and Technical Cooperation Department, SESRIC; Mrs. Münevver Nilgün Egemen, Senior Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; Mr. Atilla Karaman, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; and Mr. Syed Tahir Mahmud, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC. The objective of the meeting was to gather the basic stakeholders including the CIO of Bahrain, IDB and SESRIC to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the relevant organisations and other vital issues to be considered during the operationalization of proposed programme.
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17-19 September 2012 |
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Frankfurt - Germany |
The Twentieth Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) was held in Frankfurt am Main on 17-19 September 2012. Being the co-chair of the Committee for the term 2012-2012, European Central Bank (ECB) hosted the Session where Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, researcher, represented the Centre thereat.
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12-14 June 2012 |
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Amman Jordan |
The Regional Seminar on "International Trade Statistics" was held on 12-14 June 2012 in Amman, Jordan. The workshop was co-organised with the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) in collaboration with the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and Department of Statistics (DOS) Jordan.
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13-15 May 2012 |
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Izmir Türkiye |
The Second Session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom) was co-organised by the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) on 13-15 May 2012 in Izmir, Turkey.
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17 April 2012 |
Venue : |
Ankara Türkiye |
Dr. Savaş Alpay, Director General of SESRIC, paid a courtesy visit to Mr. Birol Aydemir, President of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), in Ankara, Turkey on 17 April 2012.
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15 March 2012 |
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Jakarta Indonesia |
Dr. Savaş Alpay, Director General of SESRIC, paid a courtesy visit to Dr. Suryamin, Chief Statistician of BPS-Statistics Indonesia, in Jakarta, Indonesia on 15 March 2012.
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12-15 March 2012 |
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Kuwait City Kuwait |
The Centre organised training course on “Management of Archives and Documents” at the Central Statistical Office (CSO), Kuwait, on 12-15 March 2012. The course was provided by Mr. Amjad Abdulraheem al-Magableh an expert from the Department of Statistics (DOS) Jordan, and was attended by the relevant staff members of the Central Statistical Office (CSO), Kuwait.
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01 March 2012 |
Venue : |
New York - USA |
The Fourth Meeting of the Delegates of the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of the OIC Member Countries was organised by SESRIC on 1 March 2012 in New York, United States of America as a side-event of the Forty-Third Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission. The delegates of the NSOs of the OIC Member Countries attended the meeting that aimed to get their comments and feedback on the tentative agenda of the Second Session of the OIC Statistical Commission.
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